General Megamix Hog Grower Value Plus Pellet
Hog | Feeds | Value Plus

Specially formulate It is produced through mixing of different feed ingredients. Formulated mash feeds based on digestible amino acid requirement to promote better performance of pigs during grower phase.

Nutrient Content

Moisture, % – 12.0 max.
Crude Protein, % – 16.0 min
Crude Fat, % – 4.0 min.
Crude Fiber, % – 5.50 max.
Calcium, % – 0.75-0.85
Phosphorus, % – 0.70 min.

Feeding Guide

Hogs at grower stage weighing 38.00 to 80.00 kilograms.
Dry feeding (either ad libitum or restricted feeding), at 2.56kg/day/pig